I've already a blog, a
personal blog. In fact, I'm also in
Flickr, in
Talenthouse, in
Livejournal and, last but not least, I've a
Digital Portfolio. It can seem absurd to create a new blog, isn't it? Specially if I write in English, because I don't speak English very well!
So, why have I created a new blog, here: in blogspot?
Simply: I like blogspot. It's easy to use. I've many friends in blogspot. It's a way of keep on learning English. I follow many blogs of blogspot which I can't comment for not having a google account and... because I want to do it! :)
I've the small-bad-habit of mixing subjects at the blog... But I'll try to use this blog exclusively to show my illustrations. (I think that it will be difficult!) :P
Finally, I expect you to enjoy reading / glancing this blog. And, as
Nacho Gómez says: "
your comments feed my blog" :)